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11 August 2014 No Comment

We have been updating our releases on Facebook, but here are a few recent releases:

Castles & Crusades (Codex Nordica/Curse of the Khen)
Zombie 15′
Pixel Tactics 3
Formula D- NJ/Sotchi
Regular Show Fluxx
Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion
New Chessex dice
Archer board Game

Memoir 44: D-Day Landings Battlemap
Galactic Strike Force: Guardians of Volneth
Quarriors!: Light vs. Dark Expansion
Marvel Heroclix: Guardians of the Galaxy
Star Trek Attack Wing: Borg Soong; USS Enterprise; Dominion Battle Cruiser
Carcassonne Exp 9: Hills & Sheep
Also, Zooloretto is back in print as a Z-man game.
Seventh Hero
Doctor Who Risk
Viva Java The Dice Game

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